Religion at Trinity


At Trinity, religion is not simply a subject, but an integral part of our school community and daily life. Our Chapel services, prayerful moments, and inclusive worship experiences provide opportunities for students to connect with their spirituality and express their faith. Through the guidance of caring teachers and clergy, students are encouraged to live out their faith through acts of kindness, compassion, and service to others. Our commitment to religious education goes beyond the classroom, fostering a Christian spirit that permeates every aspect of our school. Grounded in the traditions and values of the Episcopal Church, our religious education program fosters spiritual growth, moral development, and a deep sense of community. We believe in nurturing the faith of our students, equipping them with the knowledge, understanding, and personal connection to their spirituality. At Trinity, we aim to cultivate a deep sense of purpose, moral responsibility, and a loving connection to God, empowering our students to make a positive difference in the world around them.


The Godly Play curriculum at Trinity Episcopal Day School provides a unique and transformative experience for students. Rooted in the Episcopal Church tradition, Godly Play invites students to actively engage with biblical stories, sacred rituals, and spiritual concepts through imaginative storytelling and hands-on activities. This interactive learning experience encourages deep reflection, fosters critical thinking skills, and nurtures a sense of wonder and awe. The Godly Play curriculum, a cornerstone of our religious education, plays a crucial role in developing a strong foundation in religious identity. Through this curriculum, students explore the richness of their faith, ask meaningful questions, and develop a personal connection to the stories and teachings of Christianity. By nurturing their spiritual growth, the Godly Play curriculum empowers students to cultivate a meaningful relationship with their faith, develop strong moral values, and embrace a lifelong journey of spiritual exploration.